'Ball' tells the story of a rock monster who lives in the ruins of an old Welsh castle. One night he awakes to find a strange and mysterious object sitting beside him. What is it? What does it want? With the help of his friend Spot the sheep, the Rock Monster slowly overcomes his fear of this unknown visitor and discovers the amazing secrets of . . . the ball!
Production Photos
Everything in this film had to be made by hand. All in all there were two sets, one background, three puppets, three balls and one chunk of grass. Below are some galleries showing how they were designed, how they were made, plus some behind the scene photos taken during filming.
Pre-production Designs
The Castle
The castle ruin that makes up the film's set is based on an actual castle called Dinas Bran, which sits above the town of Llangollen in North Wales, and is a familiar and recognisable landmark to anyone who knows that part of the country. Castell Dinas Bran is one of my favourite places and for a long time I have felt it would make an excellent setting for a film. So when I came to chosing a subject for my next project it was the obvious choice.
Building the Sets
Building the Characters
Lighting Tests
Before filming it is important to get the right atmosphere on set. These photos show how putting different colour filters on the lights, and positioning the lights in different places changes the mood on set. There were many more of these tests but I thought I would just give you a taste of them here.
'Ball' Film Posters
In the lead up to this films online release I ran a poster campaign to prepare everyone for it's arrival. I didn't want to give to much away in terms of plot so I just included little hints as to what was instore.
'Ball' Film Trailer
Prior to a films release it is customary to drum up interest with a trailer, and so I created one for 'ball' to give people a little taste of what was coming. You can watch it here below.